Each year there are blog awards on the net and they are lovely glitzy affairs with sparkly high shoes, long swishy dresses and tiaras (I imagine, I've never been).
My awards are for us, the hobby bloggers, the little people, those starting out. Because lets face it, your blog might be AMAZING and even though only 3 people read it and you once got a comment in 2007 it might deserve an award, so here we are, here is your chance.
Last week I asked for nominations. I didn't get as many as I had hoped but then maybe that's proving my point! ha!
So here are the categories, with the blog links, get voting, no cheating. I trust you.
- Blogger with the Snuggliest Boobs
Mother Scuffer at http://motherhoodjourneys.com/
Big Fashionista at http://www.bigfashionista.co.uk/
Mamacrow at http://mamacrow.blogspot.co.uk/
I would say the competition in this category would be stiff but I think it's more likely to be all wobbly and warm.
- Best Bearded Blogger
Adam at http://notlisteningblog.blogspot.co.uk/
Carl at http://carlbangtidy.blogspot.co.uk/
Dat Beardy Man at http://datbeardyman.blogspot.ie
A hair-raising choice..
- Blogger with the Hottest Arse
Sophie at http://fashionslave.co.uk
Jay at www.cosmicgirlie.com
Val at http://jazzygals-steppingout.blogspot.ie
Ooh all ladies and all pinch-able :-)
- Most Boring Post on a Blog
Carl, anything really at http://carlbangtidy.blogspot.co.uk/
Fudgecrumpet at http://fudgecrumpet.wordpress.com/
Elizabeth, specifically this post at http://www.mommatwo.com
surveys & polls</
Kara at http://innocentcharmschats.co.uk
A Whole 9 Months at http://awholeninemonths.blogspot.co.uk/
Clara Unravelled at http://www.claraunravelled.co.uk/
Ashleigh at http://ohthesedaysarefast.blogspot.co.uk
Big Fashionista at http://www.bigfashionista.co.uk/
Jay at www.cosmicgirlie.com
Vikkeh and her Tumblr at http://vikkeh.tumblr.com/
Mother Scuffer at http://motherhoodjourneys.com/
Heather at http://sahmlovingit.blogspot.ie
The biggest and best category - tempted to suggest we have a party!
Wally Mummy at http://justanormalmummy.blogspot.co.uk/
Hannah at http://mamabearwithme.co.uk/
Jane at http://www.northernmum.com/
Big Fashionista at http://www.bigfashionista.co.uk/
Adam at http://notlisteningblog.blogspot.co.uk
Chimping Dandy at http://thechimpingdandy.blogspot.co.uk/
Eliza Do Lots at http://www.mommatwo.com/
Jay at www.cosmicgirlie.com
Wet panties all round - a tough choice!
Cath Janes at thekrakenwakes.org
Big Fashionista at http://www.bigfashionista.co.uk/
Sue at http://diaryofabenefitscrounger.blogspot.ie
Petite Sal at http://petitesal.com
Mother Scuffer at http://motherhoodjourneys.com/
The Fool Tweets at http://mutteringsofafool.com/
From Fun to Mum at http://www.fromfuntomum.com/
Carl at http://carlbangtidy.blogspot.co.uk/
Foxglove Lane at http://www.foxglovelane.com
Natalielue at http://www.baggagereclaim.co.uk/
Deja zu - http://dejazu.blogspot.com
Hannah at http://dejazu.blogspot.com
Eliza Do Lots at http://www.mommatwo.com/
Vikkeh and her Tumblr at http://vikkeh.tumblr.com/
Wendy's Mum at http://godandasda.wordpress.com/
The Brick Castle at www.thebrickcastle.com
Me! at www.tattooedmummy.co.uk
Adam at http://notlisteningblog.blogspot.co.uk
Chicken Ruby at http://www.chickenruby.com/
Glosswitch at http://glosswatch.com/
Thanks for nominating me! But I see I have stiff competition!
Kara at http://innocentcharmschats.co.uk
A Whole 9 Months at http://awholeninemonths.blogspot.co.uk/
Clara Unravelled at http://www.claraunravelled.co.uk/
Ashleigh at http://ohthesedaysarefast.blogspot.co.uk
Big Fashionista at http://www.bigfashionista.co.uk/
Jay at www.cosmicgirlie.com
Vikkeh and her Tumblr at http://vikkeh.tumblr.com/
Mother Scuffer at http://motherhoodjourneys.com/
Heather at http://sahmlovingit.blogspot.ie
The biggest and best category - tempted to suggest we have a party!
- Blogger That made you Cry laughing in 2013
Wally Mummy at http://justanormalmummy.blogspot.co.uk/
Hannah at http://mamabearwithme.co.uk/
Jane at http://www.northernmum.com/
Big Fashionista at http://www.bigfashionista.co.uk/
Adam at http://notlisteningblog.blogspot.co.uk
Chimping Dandy at http://thechimpingdandy.blogspot.co.uk/
Eliza Do Lots at http://www.mommatwo.com/
Jay at www.cosmicgirlie.com
Wet panties all round - a tough choice!
- Angriest Blogger
Cath Janes at thekrakenwakes.org
Big Fashionista at http://www.bigfashionista.co.uk/
Sue at http://diaryofabenefitscrounger.blogspot.ie
- Most Positive Blog/Feel Good Blog
Petite Sal at http://petitesal.com
Mother Scuffer at http://motherhoodjourneys.com/
The Fool Tweets at http://mutteringsofafool.com/
From Fun to Mum at http://www.fromfuntomum.com/
Carl at http://carlbangtidy.blogspot.co.uk/
Foxglove Lane at http://www.foxglovelane.com
- Blog with the best life advice
Natalielue at http://www.baggagereclaim.co.uk/
Deja zu - http://dejazu.blogspot.com
Hannah at http://dejazu.blogspot.com
Eliza Do Lots at http://www.mommatwo.com/
- Blog that doesn't fit into a category but it's a Blog and I like it
Vikkeh and her Tumblr at http://vikkeh.tumblr.com/
Wendy's Mum at http://godandasda.wordpress.com/
The Brick Castle at www.thebrickcastle.com
Me! at www.tattooedmummy.co.uk
Adam at http://notlisteningblog.blogspot.co.uk
Chicken Ruby at http://www.chickenruby.com/
Glosswitch at http://glosswatch.com/
Thanks for nominating me! But I see I have stiff competition!