
New Year new ... Something

So here we are in 2025. Time seems to be travelling in unexpected ways, faster than ever and yet slower. I'm fairly sure COVID-19 was discovered mere months ago and yet at the same time lock down seems like a weird dystopian dream.

So much has happened and yet the blog remains un-updated and lurks here, a reminder to me of the past and of my present laziness.

I am hoping that this year will be the year I get back to blogging.But I have thought that before.

I think a good start will be to review all the old posts and see what (if anything) is still relevant and then move on from there.

The first new things I have to talk about are social media I have left and social media I now use. (and maybe to talk about the fact I'm typing this post on a laptop that I wiped and then installed Linux on)

More soon (with any luck)


Testing the blogger app on Android

I decided to test the blogger app on my Android phone. For a long time you couldn't a blog by phone, and I've  got out of the habit of using my laptop, so blogging has fallen by the wayside. I thought maybe I'd try the app and see how it goes. So here's very short post from my phone just testing a few bits and pieces really.

And a random dinosaur image because why not