
Camp Bestival is only days away and yet still new things are being announced!

Camp Bestival keep emailing me and each email is better than the last!

Now they are unveiling that not one, but two utterly awesome Giant Astronauts built by Shipshape Arts will be joining the space cadets and festival fans at Camp Bestival.

Resplendent in gleaming space suits, and stationed in the Magic Meadow, Camp Bestivals very own super star-sailors stand at an astronomical seven metres tall and will be bathed in their own special cosmic light under starry skies.

Sure to be an awe-inspiring sight, you won’t be able to miss these twin emblems of exploration and discovery.

But that’s not all, I've been told to be prepared to be dazzled by the elegant beauty of Celestial Dreaming. A stunning, interactive installation designed by glowing friends And Now: take your family on a voyage through the infinite possibilities of an enchanting solar system filled with glistening constellations, cosmic relics and storytelling star gazers.

As the sun sets Celestial Dreaming will radiate the burnished light of 450 points of fire arranged in incandescent orbits, celebrating the majestic brilliance of the universe. One of the most exquisitely breath-taking spectacles you’re likely to see at a festival, Celestial Dreaming is your chance to get lost in space.

I'm sure these two cosmic treats will spark some out of this world costume ideas for Saturday’s
fancy dress parade. As you know I'm all set with mine!

See you there?


Wordy Wednesday with Terry Ray Hall

After a gap last week due to me being lazy off work and soaking up the relaxing vibes with my family and new puppy I have a Wordy Wednesday interview for you once again.

This week I'm pleased to hand the stage to Terry Ray Hall, as I don't know a lot about Terry and his writing I asked him to introduce himself, I'll just lurk and have a cool drink in the shade of a tree to avoid the heat while he says hello:

I have been writing and drawing since I was very little and my mum encouraged me to read almost as soon as I could talk. She grew up in the war and was moved from school to school, so she became embarrassed about reading. She made sure I never had that experience. She says I was born with a pen in one hand and a suitcase in the other...so writing a children's book about travel seems quite appropriate!

Do you have another job or are you a full time author? If you do something else (exotic dancer?) what is it and do you like it?
I am a film screenwriter and producer. I like the creativity of it, but dislike the time it takes to raise investment for the projects. That can be disheartening.
I work as a trainer for international blue chip companies, teaching staff about customer service and developing the necessary business skills for managers to run a company effectively.
I am a hypnotherapist and have teamed up with musician and movie score-writer Imran Ahmad to create "Mindtracks," downloadable audio mind entrainment MP3s, which enable people to achieve natural sleep or for business professionals to relax, meditate and alter their perspectives when dealing with issues in their day to day working environment.
I also trained as a dancer, raced in athletics meetings at Crystal Palace and have acted on screen. However, I would definitely liked to have trained as a gymnast. - busy busy!

What was the first thing you wrote (apart from your name, I mean the first story)?
I went to Cubitt Town school on the Isle of Dogs until I was about five or six. I remember I wrote a little 5-minute play for the rest of the children to act in. It was about a flying saucer and we built a cardboard box to represent the alien craft. I liked magic and sci-fi a lot - and still do!

What 3 things are guaranteed to make you smile?
The funny things animals do, a beautiful sunny beach or mountain scenery, elegant events where everyone can dress up and enjoy each other's company.

Do you have any pets?
No. But I think they would help with the writing process. (you better add one to your list of things you need then!)

Who is your favourite author? Do they influence your writing?
Bill Bryson, I love his sense of humour, his fascination with words and language, and his urge to travel. I read his entire book "The Lost Continent' on a flight from London to Los Angeles and couldn't put it down. It fits very well with me and is the sort of book I'd like to have written. - Oh I love his books too, to be informative while being funny is such a skill, and to be wry in that humour without ever being mean is even more of a skill! - My favourite of his is A Walk in the Woods. 

Which book(s) are you reading at the moment?
I actually prefer non-fiction books, filled with beautiful pictures, maps and factual information. I also like inspirational self-help, health manuals or spiritual books which help people change perspectives.

Where do you do most of your writing?
Currently at my parent's place, so that I can use the internet. Sometimes in Starbucks where they also have wi-fi!

What three words would your best friend use to describe you?
Some words I have heard so you can choose from: Electric, considerate, approachable , trustworthy, open-minded, teacher-like, avant-garde, creative, inventive, arty, quirky, weird, friendly, interesting, magnetic, futuristic, day-dreamy. My dad, when he wants my attention, often says, "Earth calling planet Zog." Says it all, I suppose.

Tell us about the character that you've written that you like the most - no spoilers!
Gwendoline. I saw her character first. She knows what she wants and she goes out to get it. Whether anyone else wants the same thing is another matter.

What is your favourite biscuit?
Anything with a minty taste. Although I like Bourbons and Ginger Nuts.

Tea or Coffee?

I prefer coffee

In the film of your life, who would play you?
Haha, I used to look like John Travolta, back in the day, and used to teach the dances in Saturday Night Fever. I even had a shiny blue shirt and white flares! So I guess it would be him. Or maybe Clive Owen!

If you could genetically cross an animal and a vegetable, what would you pick and why? I like the idea of a cauliflower sheep - you could cover it in cheese and then shear ready made cauliflower cheese!

A tree squirrel. It would be an animal that had a ready made place to live! - with a very shrubby tail!

Thanks for taking part Terry, all the best with the book!

Passports To Peril is available on Amazon in paperback or on Kindle.

Terry is also promoting a movie "The Border Guide", an inspirational war story about a young boy Aksel who guides refugees over the Norwegian/ Swedish border. He is working on getting the script produced. It is filmed in the National Geographic style, to show the beauty of Norway.

Find out more about what Terry is up to on his Facebook, and don't forget to like my page too while you are there!

Until next week - keep reading!


What I did on my holidays

Extra points to anyone that spotted the Terry Pratchett reference in this blog post title. I haven't been to Ankh-Morpork but I have been off work for a week and having family fun, including spending time with Fizz the puppy who is finally old enough to go outside for walks.

Apparently puppies should only be excercised for 5 minutes for each month of their age so poor bouncy Fizz is limited to 20 minutes, however this hasn't stopped up taking her out an about, armed with a large bag in case she needs a rest.

We had a fun day out in Petworth for a food festival, where as usual Fizz behaved like a loon with every dog she met - she really needs to learn that leaping on someones head is not the sign of affection she thinks it should be.

border terrier puppy on shingle beach

Later we took a trip to Brighton where Fizz was universally admired (or course she was - she is gorgeous), and Mr TM and I took her for a half day out at the Weald and Downland Museum too which was fab. I plan a much fuller blog post on that over at TentSniffing for Beginners later. But here is a cute picture of her enjoying the day to keep you going.

border terrier puppy

DD has totally finished school - I have a student not a child for a daughter now - so I probably should feel like a grown up - oddly, I don't.

Luckily she doesn't seem too grown up either - so we are looking forward to our summer of festival fun. despite the fact this Minion costume in Asda is not available in her size...ah well.

minion fancy dress

Sorry to anyone that missed Wordy Wednesday last week, normal service should be resumed soon...

I do hope you are all making the most of this sunny weather!

caution i'm hot sign on cup


Wordy Wednesday's author interview with Oliver Clarke

Good day Wordy Wednesday fans. Another Wednesday another author to quiz, another brain to poke about in. Today it's rather a joy as I've known this author (via the medium of twitter) for quite some time and I've read a fair bit of his writing, so I know something you might not, he is a great write with a very dark, warped view of things, a creepy, disconcerting view of the world, but I'm leaping ahead, allow me to introduce Oliver Clarke, and let us ask him to tell us about himself and his books

I'm in my early 40s (just) and am married with a young son. We live in Sussex with and an overweight cat. At night, when a story grips me, I write. Genre is a tough one for me to pin down, but most of my work has an element of crime or horror in it. I've published 2 novels to date, the first 'Sunliner' is a mix of 50s noir and sci fi, the second 'One Night' is a more traditional romantic thriller about a young woman who meets a bad boy on the run.

Aside from the novels I've written a bunch of short stories, including 5 about a plucky cat. That series ('A Cat Called Hope') started life as a bit of a joke, because people kept telling me I never wrote anything nice, but has ended up being my most successful work by far. I've sold more copies of those than everything else but together (a few times over) and the first book in the series is now available in French too ('Un Chat Nomme Espoir'!)

Do you have another job or are you a full time author? If you do something else (international spy?) what is it and do you like it?
My "real" job is very dull, I'm a project manager for a big high street bank, specialising in telephony based projects. Most of the time I like it, I work with some great people and delivering something new is always satisfying.

When did you start writing?
As a child, I still remember the first short story I wrote for a school project when I was about 10 - it was a sci fi tale of an astronaut who crash lands on a planet inhabited by vicious robots. Through my teens, twenties and thirties I kept at it but never really managed to finish anything. My new year's resolution at the start of 2012 (the year I turned 39) was to stop pissing about and make it happen. The result was Sunliner, which I wrote in about 6 weeks and published in the February.

What 3 things are guaranteed to make you smile?

My son telling me about the latest crazy invention he's dreamed up

That thing where you take photos of 2 people who look alike but reverse the name captions underneath - a fan of Private Eye no doubt then!

Early Adam Sandler films

Do you have any pets? If yes, what, and do they help or hinder the writing process?

We have a cat, Venus, who is fairly saggy and lazy. I don't think she either helps or hinders my writing, but she is good company and very chatty.

Who is your favourite author? Do they influence your writing or are they a total break from the sort of thing you write?

Stephen King, without hesitation. I've struggled a bit with his more recent stuff, but I LOVED his books as a teenager and he has been a massive influence on me.Oh I totally agree, weirdly for an author I think his early stuff was better, proper fear inducing stories.

Which book(s) are you reading at the moment?

I generally have a few books on the go and flit between them - at the moment those are 'A Princess of Mars' by Edgar Rice Burrough, 'Shogun' by James Clavell and 'Alone in Berlin' by Hans Fallada

Where do you do most of your writing?

Anywhere I can! I used Google Drive which gives me real flexibility. Most of 'Sunliner' was written on my phone whilst walking to work and then edited at the dining room table in the evening. Writing books on your phone, what a world we live in

Tell us about the character that you've written that you like the most - no spoilers!

Tough choice, as there are a few I really like. The most popular with readers is Marx, the feline protagonist of the 'Cat Called Hope' books, who I think of as being a bit like a moggy version of Jack Bauer (he does the right thing no matter how hard it is).

My own fave is probably JJ, the villain in Sunliner. Writing someone utterly evil is great fun and really cathartic!

What is your favourite biscuit?

Custard Cream, no competition

Tea or Coffee?

Tea. I like coffee but only drink one cup a day compared to about 5 or 6 cups of tea

In the film of your life who would play you? (why)

I'd like to say Bradley Cooper, but that's probably wishful thinking. I genuinely don't know!

If you could genetically cross an animal and a vegetable, what would you pick and why? I like the idea of a potato and a sloth...could you get a lazier creature? (my soul mate)

My cat crossed with any vegetable would be lazier (trust me).

How about an onion crossed with a 3 legged puppy for when you need a good cry?

Here's the link to Oliver's Amazon UK page

It is VERY IMPORTANT to note that there is someone else called Oliver Clarke who publishes on Amazon. He writes dirty books and is not me! (I'm sensible enough to publish my dirty books under a pseudonym ;)) This made me laugh!

And here's a link to One Night, which is probably my most accessible book (and is only 99p at the moment!)

Massive thanks to Olly, and do check out his books, they are ...well good is the wrong word...fascinating maybe, creepy definitely and if you read Camera Phone v1 don't do it alone ...oh same for Doorbell, actually maybe read them all in a friendly spot ....

Do follow Olly on twitter, (I'm on Twitter too you know!) and pop over to Facebook to like my page and have a natter.

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