Wordy Wednesday is upon us and this week it is the turn of Lauren James. Lauren is 23, and graduated in 2014 from the University of Nottingham, UK, with a Master’s degree in Natural Sciences, where she studied Chemistry and Physics.
Her first novel The Next Together, a YA reincarnation romance, is published by Walker Books in the UK, and is available to purchase internationally through the Book Depository. You can find her on Twitter at @Lauren_E_James or Tumblr at http://lauren-e-james.tumblr.com
And so, as we settle down with tea and biscuits, which biscuits will be revealed later... and we begin our chat. First off I ask Lauren what her favourite book is.
My current favourite book is The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater. It’s a wonderfully diverse series that makes me wish I lived in the world.
What 3 things (not including paper, computer, pens) would you like to facilitate a good days writing?
I’m very picky about my working environment. The slightest excuse not to write and I won’t get anything done! I need chewing gum, a spreadsheet of my daily word counts (to keep me accountable!) and lots and lots of music. I’m currently obsessed with Halsey’s album Badlands.
Do you write to a schedule, eg every day or three times a week, set times, etc or do you write as and when the mood strikes?
When I’m writing instead of editing, I usually work from 5pm – 1am. During the day there’s usually too much happening to properly focus, and I can’t get much done! If I’m editing, I’m less picky, and I can work during the day too.
Is writing your main source of income, I read lots of articles saying writers make no money, and my readers asked this question a lot! Can you survive on book writing alone? if not, what else do you do?
I currently write full time. I was awarded an National Lottery Arts Council grant, which funds me while I write more novels. I’m incredibly grateful, because without it I’d have to get a part time job to support myself. That is fabulous! so glad to hear these grants really benefit real people in the arts, glad I buy a ticket now. :-)
What are your favourite biscuits?
Chocolate covered hob nobs! I confess I find them a bit sweet, so all the more for you!
Tea or Coffee?
I’m English- definitely tea!
Where do you do most of your writing?
At my desk in my bedroom, or sitting outside in the sun. Or in the light of a full moon?!
What book are you reading at the moment?
Our Endless Numbered Days by Claire Fuller
Do you use social media (facebook, twitter, instagram etc) to engage with your audience, do you think it helps sales and do you find it fun or a chore?
I love social media, especially tumblr and wordpress. I used to use it a lot before I became an author, and now I have an excuse to use it even more! *ooh I must follow you on tumblr!
Do you own an e-reader? and do you prefer to read digital or paper copy?
I have a kindle, and I love both digital and hard copy books. I think in general I prefer paperbacks, just so that I can keep them on my shelves!
Who are you writing for? Describe your perfect reader (ha! nice hard question!)
Teenage girls aged 14+ who love both Jane Austen and Doctor Who. Is this you gentle reader? or one of your offspring?
If reading and writing were banned, what would you do instead?
Do it anyway. Ha!
If you could bring a dead person back from the dead for one day to have tea and a natter with them, who would you choose and why?
Eighteenth century La Maupin, who has to be the coolest person I’ve ever heard of.
The Next Together by Lauren James
How many times can you lose the person you love?Big thanks to Lauren for taking part, if you are now keen to find out what happens next you can buy her book here.
Katherine and Matthew are destined to be born again and again, century after century. Each time, their presence changes history for the better, and each time, they fall hopelessly in love, only to be tragically separated.
Spanning the Crimean War, the Siege of Carlisle and the near-future of 2019 and 2039 they find themselves sacrificing their lives to save the world. But why do they keep coming back? What else must they achieve before they can be left to live and love in peace?
Maybe the next together will be different...
A powerful and epic debut novel for teenagers about time-travel, fate and the timelessness of first love. The Next Together is told through a mixture of regular prose, diary entries, letters, "original" historical documents, news reports and internet articles.
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