
Tattooed Mummy's Alternative Blog Awards 2014


Once upon a time I held some alternative blog awards.

It was almost exactly a year ago and that time has come around again. And so with out further ado I am going to request nominations for blogs in the following categories.

  • Blogger with the Snuggliest Boobs
  • Best Bearded Blogger
  • Blogger with the Hottest Arse
  • Most Boring Post on a Blog
  • Blogger you'd most like to Take Home
  • Blogger That made you Cry laughing in 2013
  • Angriest Blogger
  • Most Positive Blog/Feel Good Blog 
  • Blog with the best life advice
  • Blog that doesn't fit into a category but it's a Blog and I like it

A blog must have 2 or more nominations to be entered in the final but you can nominate (or second a nomination) for your own blog.

To nominate just leave a comment here with the Blog name and url (comments are moderated so don't panic if you don't see it right away.) Nominations will remain open for ONE WEEK (probably). Closing some time next weekend, when I can be arsed.

There are amazing prizes..amazing in that there are NONE! No prizes at all for any winning blogs, except..a fabulous badge which I'm going to spend upwards of ten minutes making RIGHT NOW! So get nominating, who are the bloggers that deserve your scorn adulation? Let me know, we must tell the world!

And remember, it's not the size of the blog, it's what you do with it!


  1. I love these!!

    Blogger with the Snuggliest Boobs - Hmmm. I'll come back to this, haven't had a grope for sometime.
    Best Bearded Blogger - I would nominate myself, but have been keeping up with the threading lately.
    Blogger with the Hottest Arse - That's got to be http://katieandthekids.co.uk/
    Blogger you'd most like to Take Home - Kara @ http://innocentcharmschats.co.uk - and then I shall let her sleep.
    Blogger That made you Cry laughing in 2013 - http://www.lamebook.com - often shit, but when it's not, it's hilarious and makes me feel good about myself.
    Blog with the best life advice - http://www.baggagereclaim.co.uk/

    I'll be back with more nominations once I have decided them.

  2. @2boys1mum: @tattooed_mummy I nominate @wallymummy for the crying with laughter category and @awhole9months for blogger I'd like to take home :)

  3. Here's some nominations for you :-)
    Blogger with the Snuggliest Boobs - @Eliza_do_lots
    Best Bearded Blogger - Me, obviously...
    Most Boring Post on a Blog - Too many to choose from :-/
    Blogger That made you Cry laughing in 2013 - @hannahsmithsmu
    Angriest Blogger - @dustandlove
    Most Positive Blog/Feel Good Blog - @apluckyheroine
    Blog that doesn't fit into a category but it's a Blog and I like it - @glosswitch

    1. Nice but you are supposed to give me the URLs , like I have nothing better to do than hunt them all down like some sort of slave ...oh ALRIGHT! tsk

  4. I nominate MotherScuffer for Blogger with the Snuggliest Boobs: http://motherhoodjourneys.com/
    Jane Blackmore is the Blogger That made you Cry laughing in 2013: http://www.northernmum.com/
    And Chickenruby for Blog that doesn't fit into a category but it's a Blog and I like it: http://www.chickenruby.com/

  5. Right,

    http://www.mommatwo.com/ for snuggliest boobs.
    I will second Lewis for best bearded
    www.claraunravelled.co.uk for blogger I would most like to take home

    I will have to get back to you for the others, it's too early.

  6. Beardy blogger @BarkerPodcasts - notlisteningblog.blogspot.co.uk

    Feelgood blog @CarlTidy

    Snugliesy boobs @BigFashionista -

    Angry blogger @cathjanes -

    All fantastic and worth a non prize

  7. I second my blog for the feel good award. Especially of a Friday! Not that I wish to blow my own fanfare of course. @CarlTidy - http://carlbangtidy.blogspot.co.uk/

  8. Ha love this here's my nominees

    Blogger with the Snuggliest Boobs
    Kellie - http://bigfashionista.com

    Best Bearded Blogger
    Me! - http://notlisteningblog.blogspot.co.uk

    Blogger with the Hottest Arse
    Sophie - http://fashionslave.Co.UK

    Most Boring Post on a Blog
    All mine ;-) http://notlisteningblog.blogspot.co.uk

    Blogger you'd most like to Take Home
    Ashleigh - http://ohthesedaysarefast.blogspot.Co.uk

    Blogger That made you Cry laughing in 2013
    Kellie - http://bigfashionista.com

    Angriest Blogger
    Kellie - http://bigfashionista.com

    Most Positive Blog/Feel Good Blog
    Petite Sal - http://petitesal.com

    Blog with the best life advice
    Deja zu - http://dejazu.blogspot.com

    Blog that doesn't fit into a category but it's a Blog and I like it
    Mine again. I dunno what my blog is supposed to be lol http://notlisteningblog.blogspot.co.uk

    1. Oh yes, I second bigfashionista.com for made you laugh till you cried

    2. Ooooh I second all my nominations, as I am greedy like that.

      And I also second Adam for Bedt Beard as well as blogger that made me cry laughing for all his red carpet glamour posts.

      Oh and Cathjanes as angriest blogger. She's ANGRY!!! And I love her for it.

    3. I second all those nominations too. Especially Adams & Kellies.

  9. Oooh, can I nominate myself for the angry blogging award? It's for the spittle-splattered www.thekrakenwakes.org. Ithangyew!

  10. I would also like to be in the running for Best Bearded and Most Boring as well. Of course if there's a category which is Best form of Brain Dribble, I probably could be well in the running for that one also! @CarlTidy - http://carlbangtidy.blogspot.co.uk/

  11. Anonymous30/1/14

    I nominate

    Blogger with the Snuggliest Boobs - Big fashionista
    Blogger with the Hottest Arse - cosmic girlie
    Most Boring Post on a Blog - fudgecrumpet
    Blogger you'd most like to Take Home - big fashionista
    Blogger That made you Cry laughing in 2013 - the chimping dandy
    Angriest Blogger - that kraken woman
    Most Positive Blog/Feel Good Blog - motherscuffer

    anyone that needs seconding, i second

  12. I hereby second the nomination of CosmicGirlie in the category of "Blogger with the Hottest Arse", for a quite outstanding performance in this capacity.

  13. I am so excited these awards are back and I hope I get another badge!

    Blogger with the Snuggliest Boobs - www.mommatwo.com/‎
    Blogger with the Hottest Arse - www.cosmicgirlie.com
    Most Boring Post on a Blog - I couldn't possibly say
    Blogger you'd most like to Take Home - this is hard, so many, probably cosmic girlie again.
    Blogger That made you Cry laughing in 2013 - www.mommatwo.com
    Angriest Blogger - http://www.thekrakenwakes.org/
    Most Positive Blog/Feel Good Blog - www.mutteringsofafool.com
    Blog with the best life advice - www.muddlingalongmummy.com
    Blog that doesn't fit into a category but it's a Blog and I like it - www.tattoedmummy.blogspot.co.uk


  14. Oh boy - there's me with THREE snuggliest boob nominations - I smell success. Even if I don't win that's a success! They are great boobs...

    Blogger with the Snuggliest Boobs - I'm going with Corinne! www.motherhoodjourneys.com
    Best Bearded Blogger - obvs Lewis!
    Blogger with the Hottest Arse - Tough one! I'm going to go with Lewis.
    Most Boring Post on a Blog - I'm going with my own 'how to unclog your washing machine drain pipe' post. You can't get more dull than that. http://www.mommatwo.com/2014/01/i-totes-repaired-washing-machine-again.html
    Blogger you'd most like to Take Home - Corinne - from that motherhoodjourneys. Obvs.
    Blogger That made you Cry laughing in 2013 - Jay - www.cosmicgirlie.com
    Angriest Blogger - The magnificent (and self nominated) Kracken - who should also get special mention as champion of creative swears www.thekrakenwakes.org
    Most Positive Blog/Feel Good Blog - fromfuntomum - her blog just makes me feel good, even if that's not what she intends
    Blog with the best life advice - me. Actually. Top tips like "don't leave your kids in the bathroom, they'll put all their toys in the loo and crap on them" - the stuff you just don't know to plan for.
    Blog that doesn't fit into a category but it's a Blog and I like it - www.thebrickcastle.com - totally great

    1. Awwww, I think I love you. It's clear we've never met or I'd have a Best Bearded Blogger nomination instead.... :P

      PS Totally voted for your rack.

  15. I second my arse! And crying. And laughing.

  16. I should like to nominate my Mum's blog for 'It doesn't fit your other categories but it's my Mum's blog and I like it', please.http://godandasda.wordpress.com/ (could you second it just because I thought ahead, read the instructions and left an URL?)

    ThisStarChild xx

  17. OK here we go --- I've blogged about it too - including a photo of the nominated arse that was kindly provided by the blogger in question :)

    Blogger with the Snuggliest Boobs - boobie snuggling is not a big thing in Irish blogging circles in my limited experience. Unless you're a bloggy baby of course! So I'll have to pass on this one...

    Best Bearded Blogger - has to be @datbeardyman. He's currently vanished off social media and is writing his first novel in the wilds of Co. Kerry dontcherknow. He blogs at http://datbeardyman.blogspot.ie

    Blogger with the Hottest Arse - well I'm not sure how she will feel about this, but I'm thinking that I should nominate @ValOD1 for showing just how fabulous women of my age can look. It takes work and discipline you know! You can find her fabby blog here: http://jazzygals-steppingout.blogspot.ie

    Most Boring Post on a Blog - I'm sure I've read some....but they were too boring to remember!

    Blogger you'd most like to take home - too many to mention. I'd really like to meet Heather from http://sahmlovingit.blogspot.ie because she seems so genuine and lovely and I can see us flopping on a sofa for an evening with a large bottle of wine and not noticing the time passing at all.

    Blogger that made you cry laughing in 2013 - has to be Jane at http://www.northernmum.com No contest.

    Angriest Blogger - this was difficult. I can think of one blog I read that has become annoyingly angry over the past 12 months, but maybe I won't go there. Instead I will nominate the wonderful Sue March for http://diaryofabenefitscrounger.blogspot.ie which is angry in a good way about the targeting of people with disabilities for Government cuts.

    Most Positive Blog/Feel Good Blog - What makes me feel good? Often it's beautiful photos, and don't get better than these http://www.foxglovelane.com

    Blog with the best life advice - I pick up life advice from all over, but one blog that I'm reading more and more is http://liveotherwise.co.uk/makingitup/ The name says it all...

    Blog that doesn't fit into a category but it's a Blog and I like it - well I think I should nominate mine, as I DO like it, and that's why I'm still writing. It's at http://www.lookingforbluesky.com in case you hadn't noticed.

    1. adding to the work load! but I'm not even cross :-)

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