
And the winner is...

The day has finally dawned, I am about to count up the votes and declare the winners of the Alternative blog awards.

Bored of the election this has been a diversion from politics, so let's see who gets what after the ballot boxes are emptied and the receiving officer has double counted the tatty voting slips...

First the Under 16 category
The winner is https://spacebunker.wordpress.com A 15 year old with a dream of becoming an astronautical engineer - email me for your prize! (a £10 amazon voucher, you'll have to blog about what you spend it on!)

Blogger you'd most like to take home? Well of course there were lots of great bloggers suggested but this one stole your hearts, yes, its the  friendly MotherScuffer at
http://motherhoodjourneys.com/ who wins the beautiful art work from Lovelace Paper Cuts

The award for the funniest blog based on urine output of readers goes to
http://www.bigfashionista.co.uk who has mostly been ranting lately but still managing to keep it witty - well done and enjoy your lovely glass from Flamingo Gifts

The slacker award and the prize of a watch from CherryDiva (to remind you to blog!) goes to http://claraunravelled.co.uk who needs to up her game by the sound of it, have a read, comment, nag her.

Prize for the 'Wordy Blogger' (an amazing Tripe fan club membership!) is the well deserved
http://thechimpingdandy.blogspot.com who does indeed waffle a bit - go read the waffle! Well done Sir, I shall need your details to send on to Sir Norman's secretary.

Next up - the Unmissable - and the very worthy winner is the super MotherScuffer at http://motherhoodjourneys.com - a perfectly lovely blog, full of the ups and downs of life. Congratulations. You have won a super prize from Nothing but Tea.
And last (and almost certainly least) the blogger who should know better - this award obviously won by http://fudgecrumpet.com though I doubt he will learn from this. His prize is a book of interesting things by Greg Jenner. (This prize sponsored by me - so I might send him something else, like porn or a childrens joke book...we shall see)
Email me at tatmummy @ gmail . com with your details so I can pass them on to the lovely companies who are supplying the prizes...

Well done everyone, and thanks to all that voted.

A badge for your blog - wear it proudly.

Tattooed Mummy's Randoms

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