Without further ado i give you................inappropriate Mr tumble picture No1
In case you can't see it - Grandad Tumble (and a work colleague described him as 'more creepy uncle than grandad) has a speech bubble asking you to 'Touch Me!' Nice! well as you know I have touched Mr Tumble so I moved with delight to see what else the lovely Mr tumble was up to.
I'm not sure any explanation is needed for the other pictures. I think they speak for themselves, enjoy.
so there you have it ladies, gentlemen and assorted Mr Tumble lovers!
And to show how much I really love him I bought the magazine and am giving it away to the person that makes me laugh hardest with a comment on this blog.....................go. (open to any country you like, but not posting to the international space station....) This offer now closed. Magazine sent under plain brown packaging to the lucky winner