After a rather hiccuppy few weeks were I have either lazily posted no Wordy Wednesday due to holidays or left Wednesday gaps due to just total inefficiency, here we are! Back with a vengeance..or at least a glass of something fizzy (more of that later) and a book to settle down with.
Who have a tricked into chatting to us today in my cunningly pleasant yet probing interrogative style? Well I've only gone and bagged Jo Eismont! (shush at the back, stop pushing, room for all..are you sitting comfortably? then let us begin)
We'll start with the basics , Jo tell my readers about yourself and your books, what genre do you write?
I write a mixture of fiction (still unseen by anyone but me) and corporate content, plus I moan about various things on my blog. No books as yet, unless you count learning and development e-books, which clearly I do! I also write some career advice columns for which is a good challenge, and have had a couple of pieces about being a Mum published, which I’m DEAD proud of.
Do you have another job or are you a full time author? If you do something else (international spy?) what is it and do you like it?
I’m Creative Content Manager for Insights, a global people development company. I’m responsible for our great content – from blogs to web content to e-books to social media content. I love it! I also have a 6 year old daughter and a son who is 4 this week, so it’s all go round my way. I do some random writing in my own time – various pieces that have been published in random places, like this one: A Letter to my daughter aged 5 who told me her legs look fat
When did you start writing?
I remember sitting in my bedroom making books, stapling the pages together, when I was about 6. And now my daughter does the same – although she is doubly ambitious and wants to be ‘the author AND the illustrator, Mummy.’ It’s genetic, I guess, as my sister and my cousin are amazing writers too. When I was about 9 I wrote a story about an alien and took it into school. My teacher said it was too good and was obviously written by my Mum, who promptly turned up at the classroom door to have words with her! So right about then I decided that a) I must be a not-bad writer and b) to prove that bitter old misanthrope wrong. {{ fabulous
What 3 things are guaranteed to make you smile?
Anything Toby Ziegler says on The West Wing, early morning cuddles with the kids and running – slowly, but still running.
Do you have any pets?
No, although we’re thinking of getting a cat. I have this idea of me sitting writing with a cat purring around my feet. There may be more to this writing lark than that though – hmmmm. But a furry muse can’t hurt, right?
Who is your favourite author? Do they influence your writing or are they a total break from the sort of thing you write?
Right now, Maggie O’Farrell. Two of her books – After You’d Gone and The Hand That First Held Mine – I return to again and again. She writes these great men – very sexy, swaggering, ultimately insecure, eloquent men. And the latter book is the reason my son is named Innes – Innes Kent is one of my favourite characters of all time. I read an interview with Maggie recently where I discovered she also has small children, which made me feel deeply inadequate. I always think I’ll be able to devote more time to writing when the kids are older, but clearly some people can manage it! That’s a talent in itself - just shutting out the world to get it done.
Which book(s) are you reading at the moment?
Where My Heart Used to Beat by Sebastian Faulks. I’m struggling through it. The protagonist isn’t really doing much for me, but I’m willing to forgive Faulks almost anything for Birdsong. That’s a book I return to again and again, along with Captain Correlli’s Mandolin by Louis de Bernieres.
Where do you do most of your writing? In my dining room, at my desk, facing my Penguin book wallpaper which I’m utterly in love with. {{ I so feel the need for pictures here!
What is your favourite biscuit?
Oh god, I don’t really do biscuits. I’m addicted to cherry tomatoes and Diet Coke, if that helps. {{ an author that doesn't like biscuits?! I'm in shock, but I did promise a glass of something fizzy and so here it is, never one to disappoint my readers...
Tea or Coffee?
Coffee, black, one sweetener, in the same mug I’ve used every day for 9 years – it’s green and flowery and perfect. Even the smell of tea turns my stomach – that tannin smell, yuck!
In the film of your life who would play you?
Katherine Hepburn, if being alive plays no factor! She was definitely the cooler of the two Hepburns. My daughter is named Kate, because I think it’s a kick-ass, no-nonsense, smart, take no shit kind of name.
If you could genetically cross an animal and a vegetable, what would you pick and why? I like the idea of a frilled lizard with rhubarb, excellent frills, nice pink colour, good in crumbles. A neep and an octopus – a neeptopus! It would have the body of a neep and 8 octopussy legs. Would be good in soup with some legs left over for mezze in the sunshine.{{ brilliant
Wowser Jo - excellent answers, I really enjoyed reading your secrets..though not sure I can trust a person that shuns biscuits, maybe your neeptopus can win me over though!
If you enjoyed reading about Jo you can find her, not blogging nearly often enough,(her words not mine) at
Jo would love to natter to you on Twitter – come and talk to me about any old nonsense, but specifically if you have any ideas on how to make this Neeptopus thing a reality.
And Jo's Muse stuff can be found here if you’re looking for a career boot up the bum! Muse
As always I'd love you to 'Like' my Facebook page, and chat with me and follow me over on twitter.
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