
Wordy Wednesday with Richard Wall

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The first Wordy Wednesday of 2016. Happy New year to you all and a big Wordy Wednesday welcome this week to Richard Wall. Richard was born in England in 1962, grew up in a small market town in rural Herefordshire before joining the Royal Navy. Having travelled extensively, Richard now lives in Worcestershire where he works as a freelance Technical Author.

And as usual we grab a cup of our favourite tipple, pass around the fairy cakes, and begin...

Richard Wall wordy wednesday author
When did you start writing?
 At school about 100 years ago :-) In 2003 I joined a local Writers' Group and that's when I began to think seriously about creative writing.

What 3 things (not including paper, computer, pens) would you like to facilitate a good days writing? 
1. A good book to read beforehand that is still fresh in my memory
2. Blues music playlist
3. Headphones

Do you write to a schedule, eg every day or three times a week, set times, etc or do you write as and when the mood strikes?
I write for a few hours at least a couple of days a week, and every chance I get

Is writing your main source of income, if not, what else do you do?
I can't survive on creative writing (yet). By day I'm a freelance Technical Writer, currently contracted to the automotive industry.

What are your favourite biscuits?
Ginger nuts...

Where do you do most of your writing?
Anywhere I can sit with my laptop

What book are you reading at the moment?
I've just finished Inherent Vice by Thomas Pynchon and just started American Gods by Neil Gaiman.

Have you had a good or bad 2015 and why do you think it was good (or bad) ?
2015 was good to me. I was healthy and employed throughout. My philosophy is that if you wake up to see a new day then everything else is a bonus.

If reading and writing were banned on pain of death, what would you do instead?
I would create a book in my head, memorising each paragraph as I went along and then reading it to myself before going to sleep.

If you could bring a dead person back from the dead for one day to have tea and a natter with them, who would you choose and why?

Charley Patton, a bluesman from Mississippi who died in 1934. I would ask him to tell me what it was really like to live that life, in that place, at that time.

Richard Wall's book Fat Man Blues is available from Amazon.
"Hobo John" is blues enthusiast on a pilgrimage from England to present-day Mississippi. One night in Clarksdale he meets the mysterious Fat Man, who offers him the chance to see the real blues of the 1930s. Unable to refuse, Hobo John embarks on a journey through the afterlife in the company of Travellin' Man, an old blues guitarist who shows him the sights, sounds and everyday life in the Mississippi Delta. Along the way, the Englishman discovers the harsh realities of Delta life, and the true price of the deal that he has made.

Thank you Richard for joining in Wordy Wednesday, I hope 2016 continues in as postitive a way as 2015 finished.

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