
Well would you look at that!

I only went a paid good money for my own domain. Bloggers will understand I imagine. For the rest of you, well I expect you feel a bit 'meh' about it to be honest.

For anyone looking for my blog it means that my url address has changed, I'm now at www.tattooedmummy.co.uk and no longer at www.tattooedmummy.blogspot.co.uk though they will both still find me.

Easier to remember I hope. So if you have book marked my blog (and I hope you have because I'm needy like that), or if you have listed my blog or even a post on your blog I'd simply adore you if you deleted the 'blogspot' bit of the address, because we really don't need it anymore.

So hello and welcome to my shiny new domain. Sit down, have a mosey through the old posts. There is cake.

There is always cake

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