
Gooey, chocolatey, delicious, brownies

When I did the MorrisonsMum thing, with the vouchers and the blog post etc. you'll remember one of the things we did was make Meringues for the yummy Eton Mess. Meringues leave you with egg yolks and so I decided to use the egg yolks up in a recipe I found online for brownies.

I tweaked the recipe a bit, like you do, so here is my version. It uses 'cups' as measurements because I have a rather cute set of Russian Doll style measuring cups and I like to use them. You can buy them here if you really want some!

Time from starting, to eating (including clearing up the disaster zone that is the kitchen and cooling the brownies) 3 hours (yes really, don't trust anyone who tells you otherwise! we made them at night and had them for breakfast) it was worth it though.

1/3 cup fairtrade cocoa powder
1/2 cup and 2 tablespoons boiling water
2 ounces grated plain or cooking chocolate (grating chocolate is ridiculous - it gets static and leaps all over the place, makes the worst mess EVER!)
2oz butter (melted -I used the microwave)
1/2 cup and 2 tablespoons vegetable oil.
2 large eggs
2 egg yolks (remember them!)
2 and 1/2 cups caster sugar
1 and 3/4 cups self raising flour
6oz chocolate chunks or a few handfuls of M&Ms or nuts etc

 Mix cocoa and boiling water together in large bowl until smooth. Add grated chocolate and continue mixing until chocolate is melted. Mix in melted butter and oil. Add eggs, yolks, and vanilla keep stirring! Keep stirring until it's smooth...

  Add in the sugar and mix until fully incorporated. Add sifted flour and mix  until combined. Finally fold in bittersweet chocolate pieces.(or M&Ms etc)

Line a 9x13-inch baking tray with foil, leaving about a one-inch overhang on all sides, oil the foil to stop the brownies sticking, pour the mix into the tray.

bake for 40 to 45 minutes at gas 4 or 180c

Leave to cool for 1 and a half hours, then remove the brownie from the pan using the foil lip...let cool for another hour! (yeah right!)
Cut the brownies into squares. EAT ALL THE BROWNIES!!!!

Thanks to The Brown Eyed Baker for the recipe I 'borrowed' and Anglicised


  1. looks yummy, I will make them with walnuts.

  2. I love your Russian Doll style measuring cups! So cute! I can believe u using 3 hours! It also happen here. The book will always said preparation time is 15 min but it never be true. Thanks for link up with us #Pintorials


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