It's still raining. I find it hard to get excited about the summer when the long lighter evenings are so ... damp. The thought of pitching the tent and doing all the fun things that happen at festivals normally fills me with glee but I'm finding even that hard to summon up today. The only solution is to read cheerful blog posts about Camp Bestival. That glorious festivals and holiday camp by the sea in SUNNY Dorset.
So I wandered the interwebs and grabbed the best posts to read, so you don't have to hunt about. Just sit back, sip our tea and click...
First off let's zoom on our festival bus over to You Baby Me Mummy for a glorious look at photos of 2015 that will be a great start, a reminder for us all and a teaser for anyone that hasn't been before! After a few jam jar cocktails we will stagger on ...
and would you believe it - 76 Sunflowers only has a fab set of photos too! Well now I really am getting more in the mood.
Seeing those gorgeous blue skies....
Now I have never taken a toddler to a festival - so struggle to think of the sorts of things that parents of young kids need to know - luckily I found a great blog with advice for you! Hooray! Grab the suncream, wet wipes and juice cartons, pack the trolley and trundle down to the main stage with your little ones. For some tips on taking babies and toddlers to a festival check out Enchanted Pixies hints.
And Louise over at My Gorgeous Boys took her little ones and wrote about her experiences. Some lovely photos there to inspire you too - look at the joy on those little faces!
I have been going to Camp Bestival both as a regular festival goer and as an official blogger every year since 2010. I love it every year, even more now that Rob Da Bank realised that the older kids needed something extra - and they now have the Den for teens, perfect for DD as she's now 16.
And Penny over at A Residence Blog has been going for a fair few years, checkout her video from 2012 here.
Over at The Parenting Trials excitement and planning is the order of the day! As a list of 5 things that are essential not to be missed is emerging...what would yours be? Have you seen the official Camp Bestival Line up? Amazing! I challenge you to only pick 5 'must sees'!
I'll leave you with a list of top tips of things to do see or take to Camp Bestival, have you forgotten anything? Got your glo-sticks?
OK I'm proper in the mood now - sod the rain, grab your wellies (just in case) and join us! Oh and before I go - here is a link to 2012 at Camp Bestival in which I dressed as a horse - I wonder what I should dress up as this year?
Let me know if you are going to be at Camp Bestival - I'm on twitter at @tattooed_mummy or like my facebook page.
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