
A Guest Post from DD about Glastonbury

My darling daughter - AKA DD, and @theDDofTM on twitter always accompanies me to festivals. We have a whale of a time and she has been going to festivals since she was 8 (no idea why I waited so long to take her actually!)
She is now 13, and I was worried so I asked her when she would not want to go with me any more. "I'll always go with you, to make sure you are OK" she said! I'd like to clarify she meant because I have CMT not because I get drunk and slip over in the mud ...  *ahem* moving on...

Here is her first blog post about our Glastonbury trip this year. I asked her to think about what it might be like, and her scientific brain produced the following...


 A few weeks ago my mum won tickets to Glastonbury festival. I was extremely excited to find out and still am. So this blog post will be weighing up the pros and cons of the festival .

  • Lots of cool music
  • Lots of famous people
  • Hopefully it won't be to cold because it is in June
  • Cool festival shops 
  • Funny people
  • Weird people
  • Crazy people
  • Sensible people
  • Caring people
  • Talented people
  • Festival food
  • Unhealthy things for breakfast
  • I get two days off school

  • People peeing up against tents 
  • People very drunk 
  • Lots of mud
  • Scary people 
  • Cool festival shops that are too expensive
  • People smoking
  • Very noisy 
  • No peace and quiet
  •  Weird smells

  Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos


  1. That has to be one of the best pros's and cons for a festival I've seen! Totally spot on, especially people peeing on tents, that drives me mad!

  2. I love the cons. They are what would put me off! The OH may be there working - damn him!

  3. Yes sounds about right...the only other ones I can think of are being able to walk around wearing a blanket with nobody batting an eyelid and ageing parents dancing around ice cream vans late at night lol


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