
Online communication, social media and the perils of reading between the lines

I was chatting to Mr TM this morning because a blogging chum had dared raise her head above the virtual parapet and declared that vlogging (video blogging) was not for her. She wrote that she didn't like it, and wouldn't do it.

I agreed with her as did several other people, we also discussed whether maybe it was age related as young people (and here I cite DD as an example) frankly love Youtube and vloggers and would probably cheerfully watch video blogs of other young people unwrapping lipstick and boxes of Lego until the cows come home.

But some people suggested she may have 'upset some people' and she (and I ) wondered why. Why does having a personal opinion upset people online, because it certainly seems to!

In our discussion Mr TM and I decided that maybe, particularly on twitter where characters are in short supply, but also on blogs, the fact that there is no dialogue only a statement means that not only can you not quickly clarify your position, as you would if chatting, but also people read what you haven't written...and I don't know why.

For example, If I state "I loathe bananas" I am stating just that, I, me, personally, dislike bananas to an extreme amount. But often the reader, a passionate lover of yellow bent fruits, reads "Bananas are loathsome" they may also read "and therefor anyone who likes them is an idiot, only fools like bananas, bananas should be banned." But it's not there, it's not a subtext, no one said it.

So Internet people, chill, let people have an opinion, read what they write, not what you think they mean and even more importantly, check who they are, some people, myself included, often post things online in a very tongue-in-cheek way.

By the way, I did find Wolf Hall last night dreadfully boring.


  1. Sarah MumofThree World22/1/15

    Ooh, I wonder who said blogger could have been? ;) Great post, thanks. I like to think said blogger made their point clear, but who knows? That's clearly not how some interpreted it.
    BTW I do loathe bananas.

  2. Wolf Hall was tedious...I gave up in the same way I gave up reading the book.

    Anything online is hard because people are sensitive to different things as well as reading subtext that's not there. Probably not helped by the fact that the internet is very conversational in tone, so as someone putting content out there, and own opinions, sometimes you don't realise how something might come across, or are just wanting to state your own opinion. Especially when it's on a blog, because if it's yours, then why shouldn't you.

    IMO, too many people online are too sensitive about things when you just can't be. If you are, then you're always going to get upset and worried about what people think and then it just escalates. Not good for anyone, and not good for the person who originally said the comment with no evil intentions, just stating a fact or view.

    (I'll probably get slated for this but hey ho, it's my view)

  3. Rachel Bitmead22/1/15

    Completely agree with you, wouldn't it be nice if people were excepted for their opinions and that's that. Mind you maybe life would be a bit dull if that happened!

  4. Tattooed Mummy22/1/15

    Oh it's great to debate, but people get so aggressive about things that haven't even been said so often online. I wish people would read properly and stay polite!

  5. Tattooed Mummy22/1/15

    Thanks for the comment, yes I think some people need a slightly thicker skin sometimes

  6. Tattooed Mummy22/1/15

    Ah twitter, home of the pitchfork waver...and me ;)

  7. Tattooed Mummy22/1/15

    I cannot say....and you don't like bananas?why not you oddball!

  8. Damn, I've recorded Wolf Hall and was looking forward to it ... or is there a sub text here I should be reading into ;) Seriously though I was in the agreement camp on vloggin and I also agree that everyone is entitled to their own views as long as they do not personally attack others for being different. Here's hoping therefore that I like Wolf Hall ... and I love bananas so long as they are not green but I will notbe vlogging aboutany of this any time soon.

  9. Tattooed Mummy22/1/15

    I'm now tempted to do a vlog of me eating a banana mwahahahahahah!

  10. Sarah MumofThree World23/1/15

    They are the devil's own food! (Along with milk.)
    However, I realise they are good for you, so I give them to my kids and they like them.


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